Share the gospel in over 180 Languages

Find and share Bible studies, radio and TV programs, pamphlets and health presentations, the Jesus video, entire books, and Bible study lessons in over 180 languages! Explore My Language My Life now at

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View an older video from when this resource was first created to learn more how to share this website with people you meet on the street, in a taxi, or on a plane.


Explore My Language My Life now at

Please help us gather quality materials for the languages that are not listed here yet or the ones which have just a few resources. We are interested in any pamphlets, books, Bible studies, and audio/visual materials that you think can be helpful for evangelism, Christian growth, and practical areas that meet real needs. If it is online, just give us the link. If hard copy has to be ordered, please provide us the contact information for ordering. You can tell us by contacting us.

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