Jesus invites us to turn our prayers for revival and reformation into a focused plea for the Holy Spirit who will make it possible for people from the world who have moved near us to hear in his or her own language just as at Pentecost when people "of every nation" were dwelling in Jerusalem (Acts 1 and 2).
Enjoy learning more about these unique Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and other people as you pray for them to know God. He has promised that people from all nations will bring their glory and honor into the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21).
Order hard copies from ASAP Ministries at 269-471-3026.
Pray with your family, friends, or a church group for another multi-lingual Pentecost!
Join us weekly by phone for United Prayer for the World Next Door. On Tuesdays at 7 a.m. CT. Call 720.843.2888 and use the access code: 620.7480.
¿Quién está orando por el hombre de negocios musulmán Palestino en Dallas? ¿Quién está orando por la madre refugiada Rohingya de Myanmar? Orando por el Mundo de al Lado