Witness to People of other Religions

In many places there are now Baptists and Buddhists, Methodists and Muslims, Catholics and Copts, Jews, Jains, Hindus, Wiccans, and more.

Each person is extremely important to God. Many do not know Him. Many have a distorted understanding of His character and qualities. 

How can we share Him with people of such diverse background?

Four Simple Steps

I have found four simple but effective steps to share our faith with people of other world religions in a caring and respectful way. Watch the two videos below for a short summary. Dive deep into the full lessons here under our Reach the World Next Door training Lesson 6 and Lesson 7. 

Here are two helpful handouts: Four Steps to Witnessing to People of World Religions and Inspirational Quotes for The Four Steps



Global Mission Study Centers

You can learn much about each religion and find many resources from six different Global Mission Study Centers. Discover training materials, Bible studies, and pamphlets to share when you sign up for free. It is simple to do and very useful. 




Learn by Asking Questions

Every Buddhist or Muslim is different. The best way to learn about that person's religion is to get to know him or her. Here are some questions to get you started.

1. When you were young, what was the religion of your family and what religious things did you do together?

2. Now that you are older, what values or practices have you kept as important to you?

3. What is meaningful to you about your religion? or What do you especially like about being a Hindu? 

4. What are the most important things that anybody who says they are a part of your religion should know and do? 

5. Do you believe in a God or gods that you can pray to? Please tell me about it. 

6. What do you think happens when people die? 

7. What do you think people can do to help themselves have a better future life? 

8. How did your religion start? 

9. What are the important holy places for your religion and where are they? 

10. What important holidays or ceremonies does your religion have? 

11. Are there any weekly services and what do they do at them? 

12. What are the scriptures like in your religion and do people read them very much?

Sharing Hope

Find and Share Literature

There is treasure hidden at sharinghope.com! Writers from around the world have written short pamphlets specifically designed for Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and secular people. These pamphlets can be easily read online or downloaded to print. They are all in English but also in Albanian, Arabic, and 39 more languages with more coming.

Read and prepare to share by printing or sending a text to a friend with the link to the perfect pamphlet they need.

You can find many online Bibles, television programs, and more resources in over 180 languages at My Language My Life MLML.org.

Further Resources

Come Search with Me. Watch apologist Dr. Subodh Pandit share his search to know what truth really is from his background where he was surrounded by Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity.

Related Information

Animists Buddhists Hindus Jews Muslims