Give to help refugees and the least-reached

support the ministry of Reach the World Next Door:

Give through ASAP Ministries. Select "Designation" and choose "Reach the World Next Door."

Mail checks to ASAP Ministries with "Reach the World Next Door" in the memo. Send them to ASAP Ministries, P.O. Box 84, Berrien Springs, MI 49103.

Call (269) 471-3026 to donate once or to set up a recurring monthly donation.

Donations will help fund ministry among Afghans, Cambodians, Laotians, Chinese, and others in the Houston Area through the ministry of Pastor Scott and Julie Griswold and William and Rachel Chen who work with many volunteers. The work extends also to other cities equipping church members to reach out to refugees, immigrants, and international students. 


Support the All Nations church plant

Ministry among Afghans and others in Southwest Houston has grown. Now the Conroe Seventh-day Adventist Church is ready to support a Bible worker to plant a church among recently arrived refugees.

Support this work by giving at under “Add Categories” and then  “Cross-Cultural All Nations Church Plant.” If possible, please click on "Set Up Recurring Donation" to make it a monthly donation we can count on. A tax-deductible receipt will be provided. You can also send a check to Conroe Seventh-day Adventist Church, 3601 S Loop 336 E, Conroe, TX 77301-6843.

To get involved in outreach text Julie Griswold at 707-380-9864. Please pray for this important work.


 Support the Writing of Bible Studies for Buddhists

How can you effectively share the gospel with a Buddhist? The conversion rate from Buddhism to Christianity is very low. And nearly all the Bible study resources currently available in Southeast Asia were developed by Westerners with a Christian worldview. That’s why ASAP Ministries has commissioned the creation of a unique set of Bible study lessons that present the precious truths of Scripture with the Buddhist worldview in mind. Give by calling ASAP Ministries at 269-471-3026 and tell them you want your money to go directly to this work.


Learn more about ASAP Ministries